Do You Need To Be Refreshed?

My goal is simple : to build up your faith and spirit through Jesus

This World is Coming Unglued...

  • Riots have destroyed countless cities
  • Tensions between nations are at a boiling point
  • Corruption is running rampant at the highest levels of government
  • The economy is being pushed off a cliff
  • Violence and lawlessness are the new norm

To compound matters: you may be facing problems like a bad report from the doctor, being laid off, or losing a loved one. Sadly, all of this leads to overwhelming stress, anxiety, and hopelessness.

This is what motivated me to create this website: Elevate Hope

In the midst of this stressful chaos, my desire is to deliver good news, be a light in this darkness, uplift your spirit, and give you a reason to hope again.  

How I Can Help You?

My greatest passion is spreading the hope of Jesus to as many people as I can through:

  • Bible Studies: Many of the articles on this site will dive into Bible topics like faith, salvation, and the end times.  Each of these articles will both educational and encouraging.  If you have any questions about what the Bible says, please ask. I will do my best to answer any questions you have.
  • Worship Music: Every month I’ll post a worship song cover to our YouTube channel, talk about worship songs that I enjoy listening to, and take worship song requests from you all. So please feel free to reach out to me to tell me about your favorite worship songs!
  • Prayer: Philippians 4:6-7 states, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God…” The fact is, Prayer works! If you want me to pray with you about something, please let me know. I will gladly help to pray for your situation.

Paul points out, in Romans 15:4, that it is through endurance and encouragement of the scriptures that we have hope.  If you are struggling, hurting, or overwhelmed, I want to encourage and build up your faith through God's word.  This is what Elevate Hope is all about.  

Why Should You Listen to Me?

I graduated top of my class from Indiana Bible College in 2004, receiving my bachelor’s degree in biblical studies, with a minor in music.

After that, I continued working on music, learning to play both the guitar and the piano.  I have also trained on a DAW (digital audio workstation) known as Ableton Live, which has added music production to my skill set.

So you can trust me when I say, “I take this website, my calling, and your spiritual wellbeing very seriously.

I will strive to deliver top quality content that will be geared to build your faith, provide direction, and elevate your hope.

Connect With Me!

Below are all the different ways you can get in touch with me: