September 13, 2021

Cashless Society

Does the Bible predict that weā€™re headed for a cashless society? Discover what the central banks are doing to make digital currency a reality.

A while back, my wife and I went to get lattes from our favorite coffee shop minutes from our house.  The barista expertly made the gold in a cup for us and told me the total I owed.

I usually pay by card, but I just so happened to have some cash on me. So I pulled out a 10 dollar bill, which was 75 cents more than I owed (I know! Coffee is expensive) and handed it to the barista.

The barista said something Iā€™ve never heard: ā€œSorry, we donā€™t have change due to the coin shortage.  Is that OK?ā€

I thought about being snarky and saying, ā€œNo, Iā€™ll take my change please.ā€  And see what reaction I would get.  However, I decided to be nice and just say, ā€œSure.ā€  I mean itā€™s just 75 cents after all.

That got me thinking about the signs Iā€™ve noticed around town. Many of the stores we shop at had warnings of no change due to the coin shortage.

My next thought was: how on earth can there be a coin shortage?! We have never had such a problem before.  What happened to all the coins?  Did the coin fairy come and take them all away?

Then a more ominous thought struck me like a foul ball coming at my head...

Could this be the beginning of our nation becoming a cashless society?

So, I did extensive research and discovered some startling data, which is shared below. My goal is to answer the following questions concerning the imminent cashless society:

  • Is a cashless society in the Bible? Is it one of the end time prophecies?
  • How will the digital currency be implemented? 
  • Are countries currently moving toward a digital currency?
  • What Will Cause Most Countries to Accept the Cashless Society?

Is a Cashless Society in the Bible?

The words ā€œcashless societyā€ are not in the Bible nor is this idea ever directly discussed in biblical prophecy.

So why do so many proclaim the cashless society is fulfillment of biblical prophecy? To answer that question letā€™s examine the prophetic scripture these folks point toā€¦

Revelation 13:15-17

"He had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Revelation 13 describes the one world government, the antichrist, and the false profit, who will promote the worship of the antichrist and the mark.

Anyone who refuses the mark will not be able to participate in the world economy. This is where the cashless society comes into play.

Even though a cashless society isn't mentioned directly, it's a very reasonable inference that can be drawn from this scripture.

To completely stop someone from participating in the economy, the world government will need complete control of the monetary system.  They'll need a way to prevent someone from being able to purchase or sell by shutting down their bank account.

So, it's reasonable to conclude that this will be accomplished by moving to a digital currency and ending paper money.

How Will the Digital Currency be Implemented? 

The first step towards digital currency has already occurred. Do you have a credit or debit card? Then you are already used to not using paper money.

Consider these two statistics from

Cash vs credit card statistics show that 80% of consumers prefer spending with a card over cash. This 80% breaks down to 54% of consumers who prefer spending with debit cards and 26% of consumers who prefer spending with credit cards.

A mere 10% of consumers spend with cash and cash only. Those that spend with cash and cash only tend to be bankless individualsā€”whether by choice or by circumstanceā€”and donā€™t have access to a debit card, much less a credit card.

For the most part, everyone is comfortable using cards rather than cash.  Personally, I donā€™t usually carry cash with me. Iā€™ve found it much more convenient to make purchases with a card. 

Cryptocurrency: One Step Closer to a Cashless Society

Cashless Society with Digital Currency

In 2009, cryptocurrency was introduced.  According to, bitcoin is considered to be the first cryptocurrency that has been utilized as an alternate to both cash and cards.

Since bitcoin's inception, several other cryptocurrencies (Ethereum, Litecoin, Stellar, and Chainlink to name a few) have been launched into the financial world. And they are all gaining popularity.

According to, cryptocurrency is an emerging asset class that some people feel is a better form of money than the government backed currency.  The main reason for this popularity is the cryptocurrencyā€™s limited supply which stabilizes itā€™s value.

Cryptocurrency is decentralized at the moment. So, governments canā€™t print or create an endless supply of the currencies, which is a big factor of inflation.

Central Banks Introducing A Digital Currency

Since the one world government wouldnā€™t be able to control anyoneā€™s money with several decentralized digital currencies, the central banks will need to introduce their own digital currency.

The question then becomes: How will the central banks compete with the already established cryptocurrencies?

The short answer and troubling answer: they wonā€™t have to.

Cryptocurrency Leads to Cashless Society

The central banks will introduce their own digital currency at some point. Once that occurs, national governments will undoubtedly start introducing regulations and laws to effectively move cryptocurrency out of the way.

Then Comes the One World Economy

Once there is a central bank digital currency used by the majority (if not all) of the countries, the one world economy will be established.

Of course there are hurdles for the central banks to overcome to get to this point.  Nations will have to buy into this digital currency and be willing to do away with their current paper currencies.

Will they? According to Revelation 13, a one world economy controlled by one entity will become a reality.

Are Countries Moving Toward A Digital Currency?

Look what wrote:

China is again on the cusp of creating a new form of government currency that some say could pose a serious economic threat to America and the West.

"In effect, they are not cryptocurrencies, they are not so-called stable coins, in effect, they are the national physical currency of a country just represented in a digital form," said Erik Bethel, former U.S. executive director with the World Bank.

China is already working towards establishing a digital currency that is produced by their central bank. 

China isnā€™t alone in their central bank digital currency (CBDC) project.  The Marshall Islands, Sweden, Eastern Caribbean, and the Bahamas are all testing a CBDC.

On the surface, these digital currencies have a couple advantages: you no longer have to worry about foreign exchanges between all the different currencies, and transactions will clear accounts instantly.

However, the real intent of a CBDC matches exactly what we see in Revelation 13ā€¦

Consider this excerpt from Dr Vermon Coleman:

The central banks have become enthusiastic because digital currencies (cryptocurrencies) will enable them to avoid or replace traditional banking systems.

And, of course, the central bank will be able to deduct taxes or negative interest rate payments as and when it wants to.

This system will enable the authorities to take payments for fines directly from an individualā€™s account and it will give behavioral scientists running social credit schemes the power to introduce incentives, rewards, and punishments in whatever form they consider appropriate.

So, if you donā€™t comply with the government, they will shut your account off, effectively removing you from the economy.

What Will Cause Countries to Accept the Cashless Society?

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are pushing for what they have termed as the great reset.

Check out the excerpt from AmericanPolicy,org regarding the great reset:

What they mean by the Great Reset is exactly what they warned that Agenda 21 was all about ā€“ the reorganization of human society.

That means a massive change, or the outright elimination, of our economy, income sources and jobs, private property, personal privacy, individual choice, families as we know them, information sources, communication, entertainment, energy source and use, education process, food source, housing, cities, farms, health care, national sovereignty, and our system of government.

And the goal is to accomplish it all by 2030.

The only way the people pushing this agenda can make it aa reality is by causing the current global economy to collapse.

Recently, Joe Biden proposed a budget of $6 trillion for the coming fiscal year.  His flawed plan to pay for this is to raise taxes on corporations, which will undoubtedly push the US into a recession.

To compound the problem further, the federal reserve created trillions of new dollars in 2020 and early 2021, which is causing inflation and the devaluing of the dollar (see source here).

Everything we see happening in our economy and economies around the world is a push toward this great reset.

It really is just a matter of time before the great reset/agenda 2030 becomes a reality in the form of the one world government prophesied in Revelation 13.

The only way for the one world government to be able to control buying and selling is to have full control of the economy. 

So, a cashless society may not be mentioned directly in the Bible, but it is clear some form of digital currency will be needed in order to fully control who can buy and sell.    

Is A Cashless Society Something to Fear?

Absolutely not! 2 Timothy 1:7 says God hasnā€™t given us the spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love, and sound mind.

Countries moving toward a digital currency is nothing to be alarmed about, it is only something you should keep an eye on because it is a sign of the times we live in. 

Jesus told us in the Olivet discourse to watch and not be deceived.  He gave us a great timeline of events to watch for so we would know how close we are to his second coming.

We currently are in the ā€œtime of sorrowsā€ or birth pains Jesus talked about in the Olivet discourse.  This means we have not begun the final seven years prophesied by Daniel in Daniel chapter 9.

What Does That Mean For You?

If you are reading this and havenā€™t been filled with the holy ghost, you still have time to be saved and have a relationship with Jesus.

You donā€™t have to live in fear during the end times, Jesus can and will take care of you.  All we need to do is pray, prepare, and watch.


What does the Bible say about a cashless society?

The prophecy about a cashless society can be found in Revelation 13:16-17. The words "cashless society" aren't in this portion of scripture, but the idea is certainly there. Verse 17 states that no one will be able to buy or sell without taking the mark. All currency would have to be digital in order to accomplish what verse 17 states.

Will cashless society become a reality?

Absolutely it will. You can already see many countries moving toward becoming cashless by replacing their currency with digital currency. China is a prime example of a country who has already taken major steps toward only using a digital currency.

How will a cashless society work?

A digital currency would need to replace all of the paper money currently being used. It would also need to be government controlled, unlike cryptocurrency. To have the cashless society prophesied in Revelation 13, there would need to be a world currency that replaces all national currency. Then it's just a matter of using a card or an implanted chip to use your money.

Is cashless society good or bad?

In short, yes. It may be labeled as convenient right now, but the antichrist plans to use the digital currency to force people into taking the mark of the beast. 

How Will A cashless society harm millions?

Once the one world economy, one world government, and one world religion are in place, anyone who doesn't take the mark won't be able to participate in the economy.  In other words, they won't be able to buy food or work. It will leave millions jobless and starving. 

Robert Chapman is the owner of, and has a passion for uplifting people through God's word. With a BA in biblical studies and an avid musician, Robert specializes in writing engaging content centered around the Bible and music.

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  1. I think that cashless methods in an economy have nothing to do with it. It's about having the mark of the beast. Whether you pay with cash, credit card, bitcoin, or barter. It's tiring listening to believers get terrified over things like Bitcoin(which I think is a Ponzi Scheme), credit cards or the Hamilton Project. Besides, if you believe what Revelations has to say…the one world government is inevitable. No sense in trying to stop it or be afraid of it.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

    1. Hi, in order for the antichrist to implement the mark of the beast, he will need full control of the economy. Revelation 13 says as much when it states no one will be able to buy or sell without it. So a digital currency is very much apart of the technology needed for the mark of the beast to be implemented. I’m not trying to scare people, only wake them up to this fact. And yes, it will definitely happen, there is no stopping it. But there is certainly nothing to be afraid of, I hardly use cash myself. Thank you for taking time to read my article and comment! I pray God blesses you!

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